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After taking the challenge to spend even more time in the Word and in prayer and meditation with the Lord, I received fresh revelation about my relationship with him. My latest Bible Study is all about renewal. I’ve been Christian for a long time and consider myself to be somewhat mature. But maybe that attitude needed to change. I remember Jesus saying unless you become like a little child, you will never inherit the kingdom of God. Then again, the apostle Paul writes that we need to mature as Christians, not needing to be milk-fed, like a baby who cannot yet digest solid food. He was alluding to milk being the basic truths of God’s word, and solid food, the more difficult teachings of Jesus Christ, who is the Bread of Life. So, which is it? Am I like a little child or a mature Christian?

Let me clarify! As a newly born again Christian, first realizing our desperate need for a savior and the excitement of discovering God’s profound truths, we require nurturing and a deeper understanding of His Word. God places mature believers in our life to mentor and counsel us, should the need arise. And it always does when one is genuinely seeking the Kingdom of God. Eventually, changes in one’s character and lifestyle begins manifesting as he or she starts to mature in the faith. The fruit of the Holy Spirit starts to become evident to oneself and to others around them. Our lives begin to become a testimony for the glory of God.

Then one day things happen! Maybe you or a loved one was diagnosed with an unexpected illness. Maybe you’ve experienced a betrayal of sorts, or a loss of a job or income, or a pandemic quarantining us into isolation with uncomfortable mandates. Just as the mandates and the initial quarantine were for our safety and protection, so the unexpected hardships are the same. How could unexpected hardships be for our safety and protection when it seems quite the opposite? Well, the Bible says God’s ways are higher than our ways.

Count it all joy brethren when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have it’s full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4)

Consider it joy… Are you kidding… some may say. I know I wasn’t joyful at the start of the pandemic. In fact, I must admit there was some level of fear and anticipation. It left me feeling agitated and restless. Those feelings subsided when a brother in Christ that had been leading our Bible Study group, agreed to host online meetings, continuing to encourage us in the power and promises of God found in the Word.

As churches closed up, I started to explore different preachers and various sermons on YouTube. This was another amazing source of strength and encouragement at a time when I was feeling so isolated and uncertain. Eventually this blog was birthed out of that trial. And yes, I felt a new sense of joy that I had not experienced before. I found a new Kingdom purpose.

But as time droned on, boredom and complacency set in. I played my favorite game to pass the time and my time in the Word became merely a ritual. Churches finally reopened, but attendance was sparse and worshiping in a mask was uncomfortable. Yet I knew at the time, it was for my own good. My husband and I discovered a new church which we now attend regularly and finally without having to wear a mask. (Praise God for new revelations and changing science!) I joined the ladies Bible study which was all about renewal. It was a timely teaching.

However, as I engaged in this new Bible study Yearning for Renewal and attempted to answer the questions in the workbook, many seemed irrelevant to me. I had a “been there done that” attitude.  After all, I was a mature Christian, wasn’t I? All doubt aside, the Lord revealed to me the need for constant change, growing stronger and stronger in my relationship with Him. It would take work to undo the complacent areas in my life and in my heart. But that’s where the Word of God does its work in you. It is also referred to as the sword of the spirit.

For the word of God is alive and active. It is sharper than any double edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

So, as the Sword of the Spirit continues to do its work in me, convicting me to spend even more time in God’s Word, fresh revelation and renewal began to manifest in my life again. Just as the leaves on the trees blow off each season, making way for new growth, so it is with our life in Christ. A new poem and this latest blog came out of that.

Therefore, for your own good and Kingdom purpose, I invite you all to take the challenge and commit more time to your relationship with God. Add a time of praise and worship to your prayers and really study His Word. Finally, by all means, the time has come to go back to church, where you can commune with other Christian brothers and sisters. The Lord may have a special mentor waiting to help nurture you in the Word, or he may have someone who needs your encouragement. I hope you enjoy this poem.

Season by season the trees shed their leaves
And a witness of renewal is perceived
Looking toward the creator, dried up by the Son
The winds of change has now begun

They blow away all that is natural
To make way for the supernatural
Baring their nakedness before the Lord
As the rain washes them clean by the Sword

Disciplined by the One
Renewed through the Son
Nourished and refreshed
In splendor redressed

Glorious and green
bearing fruit in their season
Until the winds of change breeze in
And whisper, it’s time to do it all over again.

🙏Lord make me an oak of righteousness, a well watered garden, bearing fruit for my good and your glory, in Jesus name Amen 🙏

Wind Power 

Sometimes the spark for change can blow in from an unexpected source… like your blow dryer! How great do you feel about yourself when you have a new look, a new dress, a new style? Your blow dryer and a couple of brushes can be the answer for today!

Whether your hair is curly or straight, there are some easy ways to give yourself a lift. First, start with a good blow dryer. I recommend an IONIC blow dryer with a COOL button. My personal favorite is BaBylissPRO Nano Titanium Hair Dryer. This type of dryer emits negative ions (electrical charges) that help dry your hair faster by breaking down the water molecules. They evaporate faster and cut down on the time your hair is exposed to heat. The COOL button helps set the style by returning your hair to its normal temperature. You will also need a couple of different size brushes.

If your hair is curly or wavy and you want a straighter look, use a large brush that fits the length of your hair. Take one section at a time. You will need to have tension on the hair as you pull it out from the scalp. Keep working each section until your brush glides through the entire length of the hair. (If the hair does not glide through the brush without tension, it is most likely still damp.) Finish with a shot from the COOL button, before moving to the next section. To get your ends really straight (without a flatiron), hold the dryer on the ends, making sure you are not turning the end under. The hair should not be curved around the brush. Hold the heat a few seconds close to the straight ends, hit the COOL button and remove the brush.

If your hair is straight, you can give yourself some waves. Using a smaller brush, 2½ turns around the brush will give you some nice “S” shaped waves. Obviously, the more turns around the brush the curlier it will be. For longer hair, DO NOT roll the hair around the brush from ends to scalp and try to dry it. This takes longer to dry the section and the hair will tangle if you pull the brush out. I recommend spiraling the brush through the hair in a vertical direction, as you blow dry each section. Start near the scalp and work your way down the section. This technique will produce better drying of the entire section and prevent your hair from tangling in the brush. Always allow the hair a few moments of cooling time before you unwind it. Twist the brush out of the section in a downward motion. Don’t pull or tug the brush out or you may lose the curl.

Maybe you want some extra height or volume for your straighter hair. Hold the hair in the brush at the scalp with tension at a 90 degree angle and blow dry until the brush glides through that section.  Then, work your way down the rest of your hair.  If you want a sleeker or flatter look, start out holding the hair at a 45 degree angle. Again, using tension, blow each section until dry. Blowdrying hair at a 90 degree angle is straight up from the top of the head or straight out from the sides, whereas 45 degrees is angled slightly downward.

If you like the ends of your hair to turn under, consider that this works best if your hair is above or well below the shoulders. When the hair hits the shoulders, it has a tendency to flip outward. You will want to use a brush that is just large enough to make one turn under. Hold the heat for a few seconds, hit with the COOL button, and release.

The best thing about all this is, it’s not permanent. Don’t like it, start over! But, a little fun with the blow dryer might just provide your personal wind power to kick off a day of change. This tutorial did not cover which styling products you should choose to enhance and hold your new style. For more information on that please refer back to my former blog Tools of Enhancement

In summary, with the wind power of your blow dryer on your hair and the winds of change through the power of the Holy Spirit on your soul and spirit, you can be renewed and feel a new sense of contentment.

For a free personal consultation on alternative ways to style your hair please send me a message on my contact page. You can also make an appointment with me by calling Big City Style at 954-472-7753 or visit

Nancy Barbery

I am a long time hair stylist/fashionista who loves the Lord. My desire is to encourage you, help increase your faith and strengthen your soul. Together we can discover your strengths and create new goals and dream new dreams. Change is good! For more information, visit my about me page.