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Who is this fictional character called Santa and what does he have to do with Christmas? Why do little children sit on his lap and ask for gifts? And what is this so called Christmas spirit?

As I pondered these questions, some scriptures came to mind and other biblical references. Jesus the son of God, came down from heaven to manifest himself in human form, and dwelt among us to show us the Father’s heart. God the Father is a good father who gives good things to those who ask him. Jesus said “let the little children come to me.” (See Matthew 7:11 and Mark 10:14 for full context) So, here we can see God the Father and God the Son together in one mind which includes God the Spirit. And there you have the mystery of the Holy Trinity.

This mystery encompasses the meaning of Christmas. “Christ + mas = Christmas (“mas” translates to the word “more” in Latin). The Spirit helps us to live more like Christ because he helps us bear good fruit. Jesus said, you will know my disciples (followers) by their fruit. True followers of Jesus display the fruit of the spirit in their life. This is peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22)

Another biblical reference came to mind in the form of a question. Do we not all desire to find our names written in the book of life in heaven? (Luke 10:20b) Who is it who keeps the record of all of our words and deeds that we will be held accountable for, in order to determine our rewards in heaven? (Revelation 20:12) Naturally, it is God the Father, sitting on the throne as the Judge of the Whole Earth. (This will happen when Jesus comes back.)

But, in the meantime, at Christmas, we sing about a Santa character making a list of everyone who is naughty or nice, determining who will get good gifts for Christmas. Santa has become a big part of what people call the “magic of Christmas”. Now, I’m here to tell you there is nothing magical about Christmas! (Magic is the spirit of divination, that God hates.) The magic of Christmas is the world’s way of usurping Christmas and turning it into something else. It even tries to strip Christmas of its name, replacing it with Xmas. And it says people must say “Happy Holidays” rather than “Merry Christmas” in order to show tolerance to believers and un-believers alike.

Truth Be Told

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are the three in one, who make up the mystery (not the magic) of Christmas… more of Christ! And further truth be told, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)

The world hates that! It shouts no more of Christ. We want tolerance for all, so let’s change Christmas. We shall make it magical and fictionalize it. Therefore, the world exchanged the Holy Spirit for the Spirit of Christmas, and called it the magic of Christmas. It is a time of good cheer and kindness. It portrays “Father Christmas” as Santa, upon whose lap sits the little children, coming to ask for gifts. Santa becomes the one who decides if the children get their gifts, depending on whether they are naughty or nice. And the world says, ‘isn’t this wonderful”?

So, Christmas has become the most wonderful time of the year (for some). But, it makes one wonder why Christmas with all it’s goodness and kindness is not celebrated every day, every year, for all eternity. The answer is because we are flawed humans. God’s word says “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Therefore, we all need a savior, we all need Jesus. But, the world will never recognize this, because Satan, the god of this world, will never allow it.

Notice that by rearranging the letters in Satan’s name, we can find the word Santa. Satan, the god of this world, appears as an angel of light who tries to hijack Christmas. He materializes it and makes it burdensome. Some people dread it and can’t wait for it to be over. But God promised to work all things out for our good and his glory, not Satan’s or Santa’s glory.

So, the world can have its Santa Claus, the jolly fat man in the red suit with the long white beard. But, when it’s all said and done, the Spirit of Christmas, which is more of Christ, through the Holy Spirit, will always prevail. And it can be celebrated every day if you believe in Jesus.
After all, its really all about Him!

“For God, so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that all who believe in him will have eternal life” (John 3:16)

That may sound a little magical, but it’s actually mystical. After all, God is a supernatural being with whom all things are possible. And that should put the magic of Christmas in proper perspective. The true Christmas story is about Emanuel, God with us, and the gift of salvation which is free to receive! It’s a gift of grace from God the Father, who does not require you to be naughty or nice to receive it. It is free to all the naughty and the nice. In the mystery of Christmas, you can accept God the Father’s gift through God the Son, and you will receive God’s Spirit, to help you overcome the “naughty” and turn it into “nice”. Being nice is not a requirement, “Believing Is!” So, this Christmas, just believe in Jesus and you can have Christmas every day. And there is no burden in that!

And on that note, I say, “Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night”!

Nancy Barbery

I am a long time hair stylist/fashionista who loves the Lord. My desire is to encourage you, help increase your faith and strengthen your soul. Together we can discover your strengths and create new goals and dream new dreams. Change is good! For more information, visit my about me page.