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We all go through Seasons of Expectancy, waiting or hoping for something. Maybe you’re waiting on the birth of a child or a grandchild, or healing or deliverance for yourself or a loved one. Maybe you’re expecting to move to a new home, or simply just expecting guests for Christmas.

When I think about Seasons of Expectancy, I think about Mary expecting Jesus to be born. She had hopes and dreams about the birth. This was God’s son, conceived by the Holy seed of the Spirit of God. Surely, she expected great things, certainly not giving birth outside with the animals, having to use a manger for a bed because there was no room in the inn.

Her season of giving birth had much travail, but it led to great joy when the baby Jesus was born. However, adversity would soon follow, as she and Joseph escaped to Egypt because a jealous king started killing all the babies two years and younger. Later, when Jesus began his ministry, Mary experienced much joy watching him perform miracles of healing and deliverance, only to have her hopes, dreams and expectations dashed as she witnessed Him being despised, rejected and hung on a cross to die. I can only imagine the agony she experienced enduring such a catastrophic tragedy.

Oh how she must have questioned God in her deep distress. But, God does not disappoint! It was written by the prophet Jeremiah, speaking of the hope of the promised Messiah, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) That is just what God did! He gave her hope and a future beyond her wildest imagination or expectations.

Yes, Jesus died, but something unprecedented happened. He came back from the dead, and ascended into the heavens with a promise to return again to make all things new. I can envision the joy Mary experienced seeing Jesus alive again along with the new hope of the promise to be together with her son for eternity. Now, this hope was not just for Mary, but it’s for you and me and those who believe in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus the Messiah.

We all go through life, expecting many things from God and from each other. Sometimes they live up to our expectations and other times they don’t. But none dash one’s hopes so horrifically as seeing their child dying on a cross. Yet, God is faithful. Even that resulted in a new hope and an expectation beyond what one can ask or imagine. We all have expectations that result in disappointment, but because of Jesus, we can hope for good to prevail from them. Father God keeps His promises!

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 ESV)

We can endure seasons of waiting and getting through hard times with the expectant hope that those disappointments will be turned around. Hang onto that hope! Because Jesus overcame, we too will overcome all the evil things this decaying world has to offer. We can expect God’s best in the fullness of His time for our lives.

So, this Christmas, remember the gift of Jesus in your life, the baby who was laid in a manger and became the man who changed everything. I wish you all a joyous and blessed Christmas and Hanukkah as you live through your seasons of expectancy. I hope you enjoy my Christmas poem this year.

Seasons of Expectancy

Young Mary waited with expectancy for the blessed hope, so heavenly.
In pain the child birthed from her womb, laid in a manger, the inn had no room.

Never before and never again was there a child born without sin!
A quiet childhood, so unassuming, a light in a world in need of illumining!

So simple, He chose fishers of men; the ways of the Father He taught them.
He wasn’t what the people expected; He was despised by men and rejected.

His accusers cheered as He met his fate; they were filled with wrath and consumed with hate.
Yet, bearing man’s curse, He willingly accepted; separation from God would soon be corrected.

Dead and buried, the people elected, but what took place was so unexpected.
The god of this world was appalled to see, down in Sheol, Christ setting captives free.

Then up He rose proving it could be done, conquering the grave for man to overcome.
Now we live through seasons of expectancy, alive with longings so heavenly.

Rejoicing in the grace that abounds where the love of God and joy are found.
Time after time and over again, Hope for Peace on Earth; good will toward men.

For that baby born of God became a man, who changed the world and is coming back again
With a promise to make all things new. Come Lord Jesus, we’re waiting for you!

Merry Christmas
Nancy Barbery
Nancy Barbery

I am a long time hair stylist/fashionista who loves the Lord. My desire is to encourage you, help increase your faith and strengthen your soul. Together we can discover your strengths and create new goals and dream new dreams. Change is good! For more information, visit my about me page.