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In these trying times of turbulence and uncertainty, I turn off the news because I can’t stand to hear what’s happening in the world. Feelings of helplessness and anger well up in me. I know I have to give it to God because He is the one who “changes times and seasons; He deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” (Daniel 2:21)

But it’s not just the world events that frustrate me, it’s long-term trials in my life, that I am still waiting on God to provide the way out. (1 Corinthians 10:13 NET) It’s painful to watch a loved one repeat the same mistakes over and over again, expecting a different result. As a parent, we can get stuck on that hamster wheel with them. Maintaining a right attitude through it all is a challenge.

Jesus said to his disciples: “for everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice seasoned with salt. Salt is good, but if salt loses its flavor, how will you season it? Have salt in yourself and peace with one another.”- Mark 9:49-50

When God seasons us with fire, we are being refined. “In the same way that gold and silver are refined by fire, the Lord purifies your heart by the tests and trials of life.” (Proverbs 17:3 TPT)

In Jesus’ day, salt was both a preservative and a seasoning for flavor. When seasoned with salt and fire, the impurities of our heart are burned off, seared to perfection, sealing in our good flavor, creating a pleasing aroma to the Lord. This is our holy, living sacrifice! We no longer conform ourselves to the world, but transform our mind through God’s Word, as sanctification takes place. (Romans 12:1) It’s the ongoing process of being made holy.

When we see others blatantly sinning, it is difficult to tolerate. Yet, it’s easy to judge the sinner! But, we must resist that urge and remember that God desires mercy over sacrifice. (Hosea 6:6) Mercy is the ultimate expression of God’s love. However, this doesn’t mean we have to tolerate everything in the name of “love”. Otherwise, we risk adhering to a “whitewashed” gospel. NO! There has to be a balance between truth and grace. This is the good flavor of the “salt” Jesus was talking about.

Jesus asked a rhetorical question regarding one’s sacrifice: “If your salt loses its flavor, how do you season it?” I wondered if salt can actually lose its flavor… Yes, it turns out that this happens when it is diluted with water; then after evaporating, what remains becomes only a “resemblance of salt”. It can also lose its flavor when contaminated by metal ions from electricity. After pondering on this, I realized that the “electrifying”, worldly entertainment and lusts that dazzle, along with a “whitewashed, diluted gospel” will cause our salt to loose its flavor. Then it’s good for nothing!

It is hard to stand by and silently watch the world, or family members behave in apostasy. However, let me encourage you today that by the grace of God, you can “have salt within yourself and be at peace with one another”. You can walk through this sanctification process, “seasoned by fire”, being mindful of how you “season your sacrifice”. Stand up for your beliefs without compromise. Balance the truth of God’s Word with mercy. Speak the truth in love! You are the salt of the earth, and a light shining in the darkness for all to see.

Prayer: Father God, forgive us for the times we have judged others. Forgive us for the times we conformed to the world by watering down Your Word. We desire to offer a sacrifice that is holy and pleasing to You. Come Holy Spirit and enlighten our minds. Help us all to be salt and light in this dark world, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

The Gift, Wages and Rewards

Once upon a test of time
There was a book so sublime
It holds the key to the meaning of life
Be it joy, happiness, anguish, or strife

It transcends… the wisdom of man
It holds within… a better plan
It’s words have the power of life and death
That Word came alive and was made flesh

He dwelt with man to show the way
To face the struggles of each day
So all who believe and do what He told
Will receive a gift wondrous to behold

Eternal life on streets of gold
No matter when they come into His fold
But for those who choose not to believe
Earn a wage that will cause them to grieve

Oh, the wonders of God’s grace
Is worthy of all our praise
Oh, the rewards that’ll be waiting for you
When you seek the Lord, in all you say and do

So, read God’s Word, and grow your faith
You’ll endure the fire and escape
Standing the test of time and trials of life
At no cost to you, but by Jesus’ stripes!

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you liked my poem. It is my greatest hope to encourage you with the Word of the Lord. Until next time, God bless you all!

Nancy Barbery

I am a long time hair stylist/fashionista who loves the Lord. My desire is to encourage you, help increase your faith and strengthen your soul. Together we can discover your strengths and create new goals and dream new dreams. Change is good! For more information, visit my about me page.