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Whether you’re interested in a new beauty regime or in developing faith that can move mountains it all starts with a good foundation. Being able to endure life’s trials and temptations requires a faith that is built on solid ground, not sinking sand. When applying makeup it is first necessary to cover imperfections and prepare an even surface for an exquisite makeup application. A good skin care regime prepares the surface of your skin for a flawless foundation.

Relationship requires communication

In the same way, having a personal relationship with Jesus starts with a proper foundation. Prayer and reading Gods Word is an essential part that foundation. And so is listening to what God is saying to you!

I’ve read parts of the Bible here and there over the years and often wondered what this had to do with me? Even when I read where Jesus said people have eyes but don’t see and ears that can’t hear, I did not yet have the understanding that Jesus was referring to spiritual eyes and ears. That’s how it is with unbelievers. Not until you truly accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and desire spiritual understanding will it become relevant and applicable. So I encourage you to pray for God to open the eyes of your heart and give you ears to hear His still small voice. This is not an audible voice but rather it is an inner knowing from the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. This is the helper, the advocate whom Jesus promised to send all of His believers before he ascended into heaven.

When Jesus  is the foundation you build your life on, you can stand in all circumstances. (See Abide meditation below on Matthew 7: 24) There is power in the word of God! And He promises His Word will not return void. When we read scripture, it goes down into the inner depth of our spirit where it resides and produces faith. Then when trials come, that Word rises up from within, comes to mind and encourages you and gives you strength to cope. It even teaches you how to pray.  Try putting your name or your loved ones name into some the promises of God found in the Bible. In this way you can be  confident you are praying according to God’s will. And His will for our life is better than anything we can ask or imagine.

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have whatever  we asked of him.” 1 John 5:14-15

This is an example of praying according to God’s Word and His will. It is my prayer for you based on Ephesians  1:16-19

“Father God I give you thanks for all of my readers who are coming to faith in You and I remember them in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know Him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, and His incomparably great power for us who believe. In Jesus name I pray, Amen”

Radiant Skin: The Foundation For Your Foundation

As a cosmetologist who also studied and specialized in skin care, I would love to share some of my best advise from my experience.

My daytime routine:
When I was a young teenager my mother taught me this face washing routine from Dr. Erno Lazlo, a famous dermatologist to royalty and Hollywood stars.

Fill the sink with hot water, wet face and rub on Dr. Lazlo’s Sea Mud Soap and lather well, massaging the entire face, being careful of the eyes. Rinse with 30 splashes from the basin, continuing to massage as you rinse, finishing with clean running water. That was followed with his Light Controlling Lotion and Regular Normalizer Shake-it as a foundation prior to putting any cosmetics on the face. This became a ritual for me and I am convinced it saved my skin from developing the common teenage acne that my friends and siblings had. So I recommend this method to young people going through puberty and anyone with acne issues. There are many good cost effective acne products available today that can be used following this routine. In fact I still use it today with products better suited to my aging skin.

Now I wash my face with a gentle exfoliating cleanser or cleansing cloth with lots of warm water. At this time my favorite cleanser is Oil of Olay daily face cleansing cloths. I use these at night as well  because it removes all makeup beautifully and I can throw it away. Daytime treatment is also essential before applying your makeup. Using a sunscreen based daytime moisturizer is a must! You can find these moisturizers readily available at your grocery store or drug store and on line. Purchase one that is appropriate to your skin type. If you have oily skin select one with shine control. You can find them for all skin types. I have mature skin so I love a dewy look. I use Jan Marini Antioxidant Face Protectant, available on Amazon. However it is a bit pricey. I prefer to spend my cosmetic budget primarily on quality skin care and foundation and skimp a bit on eye and makeup and lipstick.

I also use under eye treatments to diminish any puffiness and/or dark circles. I have used many different ones over the years. It’s been trial and error for me. Some really good ones have been expensive but recently I have found some reasonably priced treatments work well too. At this time I’ve been using OleHenriksen Banana Bright Eye Cream because it has a yellow tone that neutralizes the blue undertones in dark circles and is very moisturizing.

My evening routine:
First of all never go to sleep with make up on! No matter how tired I was, my mother had taught me to always wash my face and put the proper treatment on before going to sleep. As a teenager and in my twenties I had oily skin and occasional acne. I used use an oil controlling lotion or acne medicine on the pimples. As I aged my skin became more normal and moisturizer became a necessary protection against premature aging and wrinkles. By the time I was forty, I was looking for something more than just moisturizer as my skin was becoming more on the dry side and I wanted to be pro active against the onset of wrinkles. I sought out a dermatologist who recommended Retin-A, followed by an alpha hydroxy moisturizer as the former is an acid that causes the skin exfoliate, a.k.a. “peel”, so it needed extra moisture. Retinols are a milder version of this and some have moisturizers and brightners added into the formula. I fell in love with Avon Anew products because they work, are cost effective and come in varied strengths for different stages of aging.

If you have combination skin or an oily T-zone, I recommend oil control in the T-zone and moisturizer everywhere else. And when I say every where that means don’t neglect your neck. Nothing gives away your age more than a smooth face and a wrinkled neck and chest. There are many age defying beauty treatments available to reduce lines and wrinkles. Among my favorites are Retin-A or the less expensive generic Tretinoin Cream (available with a prescription from your physician). I fell in love with Avon Anew (alpha hydroxy product) as my evening moisturizer because they work, are cost effective and come in varied strengths for different stages of aging. I use the Ultimate now because I’m over 60. Retinols are available without a prescription at fine retail stores, drug stores and some supermarkets. You don’t have to break the bank, you just have to be consistent.

For further information on some of the foundations for my belief in the power of new beginnings through a personal relationship with Jesus, please let me know so I may encourage you further in your walk with the Lord. Also If you desire information on a personal physical makeover, please email me.

Nancy Barbery

I am a long time hair stylist/fashionista who loves the Lord. My desire is to encourage you, help increase your faith and strengthen your soul. Together we can discover your strengths and create new goals and dream new dreams. Change is good! For more information, visit my about me page.


  • Zerelda Barbery Yabor says:

    Th is is beautiful! I’m so proud of you

  • Janet T. says:

    God’s timing is perfect. This is the time. A reminder of where we all need to look and rebuild and transform. Thank you for sharing your gifts.

  • Laura Palmer says:

    What a unique combination of beauty tips, inside and out. Consider the physical beauty recommendations she cites as very valuable–never have I seen such beautiful skin on a woman’s face. And her knowledge of scripture and ability to transform it into storytelling is a rare gift. I am happy to have known Nancy for more than 30 years now; it’s been a benefit to my hair and to my heart!

  • Renee DiFede says:

    Great work. Beautiful website. I love it!

  • Mim Harrison says:

    I echo Laura’s sentiments! I love how you effortlessly blend your dual passions, Nancy. And how generous of you to share your beauty regimen with all of us. I took notes. 🙂

  • Joanne Schatz says:

    I have known Nancy for over fourth years and have always admired her passion, dedication and perseverance in whatever she set forth to do.
    Her compassionate nature and her love of the lord has led her to a path of helping others transform their lives both spiritually, emotionally and physically.
    I wish her a successful journey , as she helps others with her knowledge of helpful beauty tips and guides us all to a closer relationship with the lord.
    Always in my Prayers Nancy!