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Mid March 2020 everything changed in the blink of an eye. Some saw the writing on the wall and rushed into the hair salon to get those roots done. (BTW, the politically correct term is actually called “regrowth”, as roots are under the scalp; but I digress.) The pandemic hit us with shock waves of a new normal, paper products disinfectant, and basic necessities were no where to be found. Only “essential” workers were allowed to work, causing many to file for unemployment and take safe harbor in their homes. The worse part, at least for me, a hairdresser, was being rendered “non essential”. Feeling unimportant is bad enough on one’s self esteem, but looking in the mirror at the new regrowth, and seeing my natural color and grown-out hairstyle, was downright depressing. And that’s when some people started taking matters into their own hands, yours truly included.

Fast forward to mid May and all of a sudden, hairdressers were desperately missed and needed. There was even talk of labeling us as essential. Ooh the goose bumps! The love from some people as they found their way back into the salon again, restored my self esteem. But not soon enough for some, because the damage was already done by getting creative, coloring and cutting their own hair. I call this occurrence “Covid Creations”, a term I first heard being used by a colleague, when viewing a video of her correcting a do-it-yourself, pandemic hair cut. I told myself, I’m going to use that term and so I have.

Hair Color Fixes

For many of my clients, this was not such an awful thing, as we had made up “color- to-go” kits with supplies and instructions on how to do it at home without creating an expensive, corrective situation. But for others, the hair color corrections would prove to be costly. Hair color that was too dark had to be lightened before it could be brought back to normal, requiring additional services and cost. Then there are those that have ignored their regrowth, donning that skunk-like stripe. When they finally venture back to the salon to restore their youthful appearance, they will realize that waiting is not such an easy fix. Without getting too technical, coloring more than an inch of regrowth will require at least two different formulas because hair takes color differently in different parts of the hair. Most hair color applications are priced at a basic cost for two ounces of color and the required amount of developer. If you have long hair, you may require more. So when you do venture back to the salon, expect to pay more to even out your color.

Haircut Dilemmas

Now, having said all that, I am happy to report that most of my clients have been smart enough to not attempt cutting their own hair, with the exception of their bangs. (That is something I have shown many of my clients how to maintain without schlepping to the salon just for that.) Sometimes I don’t take my own advice, even though I should know better. Therefore, I fell into that category of being a victim of a do-it-yourself Covid Creation.

Short hair is much harder to grow out gracefully than long hair, and I like my short hair shaped every two to four weeks. Usually, I cut the top, front and sides, texturizing it to blend into the back, until I can get an appointment with my hairdresser. It is extremely difficult, even for a seasoned hairdresser to do a precision cut in the back of their head…. unless of course they use a clipper with a guard. So that’s what I did! Yep, I took my clippers with the #8 guard, ( the biggest one I had), and buzzed the back and sides of my hair. Then I blended it beautifully into the rest of my hair. I was so proud of this haircut, and it only took me TWO DAYS to stop fussing with it until I was totally satisfied that I had reached perfection. All the while, my husband said nothing, until I went fishing for a compliment on what a great haircut I had given myself. His response was, “don’t you think this is a good time to grow your hair?” Ouch! I was bummed! I started to examine it again in the mirror and decided it was a good, albeit short, haircut. I took a few selfies, intending to show my co-workers, in order to get that desperately needed compliment. I was horrified at the pics! That was a Covid Creation if I’ve ever seen one! How could I look so different in the mirror? When did my face get that fat? Wow, my husband was right, it was time to start growing my hair. My co-workers told me to hide my scissors. It’s been five months and my hair is still pretty short.

Here is a final word of advice on growing out short hair. To avoid it looking very raged and ratty, you should have it occasionally trimmed it with a goal in mind. Discuss this with your hairdresser. You will need some maintenance to keep it looking neatly styled, while you are growing it out. If you decide your goal is to get the length as long as possible, your goal will be sort of a shag with lots of layers. The ragged ends of these layers should be trimmed every few months, if you can wait it out. Fortunately with modern styling today, many layered looks are usually texturized, so sometimes those ragged ends can work out to an advantage. You will eventually need to have them “dusted”, a term I coined to emphasize only the slightest trim on the tips. Now if you desire to take your short pixie haircut into a bob or longer, you will need regular monthly trims, cutting the length so the layers can catch up to it. I recommend dusting those layers only when needed, so it won’t take as long to reach your goal. My goal is to grow my pixie cut into a “lob”, (a long bob), with some layers. I have been having my length and nape area trimmed until a wedge-like style appears. At that point, I will start growing the length until a bob-like style appears, adding some texture and trimming the layers for movement. Then I will have to just grow from there, reducing my trims to every four months or more. It should take me about two years to reach that goal. So, now you should have a pretty good idea of what it takes to grow out short hair. The bottom line is patience!

You need to know the darkness before you can see the light

In this dark season of the pandemic, many people are hoping and praying for the light at the end of the tunnel. COVID-19 is creating havoc everywhere, from major health issues, to economic, social and political problems. There is so much division causing terrifying situations in cities across our land. It is starting to look like what is morally right is now wrong, and what is morally wrong is now right. Friends and families are at odds socially and politically. And the fear mongering media tells lies! However, we must remember that our battle is not against people, but rather, against the powers of darkness in this word. Nevertheless, take heart and do not be afraid because the light will always find the darkness.

We are in a season of heavy spiritual warfare!

If you are a faithful believer in Jesus Christ, the Spirit that dwells in you is greater than the spirit that dwells in the world (1 John 4:4). Jesus gives a measure of His Holy Spirit to take up residence in the inner man of those who trust and believe in Him. Sadly, those who do not know Jesus, have an inner spirit that seeks to fulfill the desires of the flesh. These desires are greed, selfishness, lust, pride, sexual immorality, sensuality, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and the like. It is some of these desires that are behind the pandemic and our social and political problems.

“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 ESV

God never intended for mankind to suffer with sickness and disease, or be in bondage to drugs and alcohol or be tormented with mental illness. It was the result of disobedience to God’s command to man in the garden of Eden. The serpent, (the devil), twisted God’s word and Eve believed his lies, and Adam followed after her. (Genesis 3) The enemy of man’s soul knew this sin would separate Holy God’s relationship with man. At this point man lost dominion over the earth and unwittingly transferred it to Satan, who was banished from heaven to earth. Satan is the author of sickness, disease, drugs, alcohol, mental illness and everything evil. It’s all part of the battle for control of heaven and earth.

But God is sovereign over everything! Although this warfare rages on until Jesus returns to fight the final battle, He has myriads of heavenly beings who are fighting for us. These angelic beings are called ministering spirits, whose purpose is to help those who will inherit salvation. (Hebrews 1:14)

It begins with humility, repentance and prayer

Last week I asked you to join your fellow Christians across this land on September 6 this year for the National Day of Prayer. We should start praying now, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of our life that needs to change. When we turn away from the sins of the flesh, it is called repentance. This takes humility before the Lord, asking for forgiveness which He freely gives because of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf at the cross. God put an end to the sacrificial system and gave His only begotten son as the final sacrifice. For whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life, be reconciled to the Father, and all their sins are forgiven. When we humble ourselves and repent from our sins, the Lord will hear our prayers, especially prayers to heal our land. The measure of the Holy Spirit that dwells in us through faith in Jesus, increases our fruitfulness and helps us overcome our sinful nature.

“The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23 ESV

“This is what the Lord says: Do not be afraid and do not be discouraged at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s.” 2 Chronicles 20:15 ESV

You can ask the Holy Spirit to help you in this way and you can ask for the Father to send His warrior angels to fight this battle for us. When we don’t respond in worldly ways, and instead respond by demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit, the enemy gets weaker and our faith gets stronger. You don’t have to believe the lies of the devil. You can counter it with the truth of God’s word and be victorious. That’s what Jesus did! When He went into the desert, fasting and praying for forty days before His ministry began, the devil came to tempt him. With each lie that He was tempted with, Jesus responded with the words “It is written” and followed them with the truth of God’s word.

The truth of God’s word is full of promises to help us overcome all areas of adversity in life. Don’t let the lies of the devil avert the promises of God! Have faith and pray for yourselves and this world, remembering to be patient. God answers prayers in His perfect time and we can trust in Jesus to get us through these dark times. Be the light in the darkness!

In my next blog I will expose some the lies we believe, and highlight the truth of God’s word that stands in stark contrast to it. I hope you are being encouraged and amused at times through my writing. I thank God for each of you and I am keeping you in my prayers. Please check out the video below about “The Return” and send it to as many people as possible. Our future is in God’s hands and He hears the prayers of His people.

Nancy Barbery

I am a long time hair stylist/fashionista who loves the Lord. My desire is to encourage you, help increase your faith and strengthen your soul. Together we can discover your strengths and create new goals and dream new dreams. Change is good! For more information, visit my about me page.