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Before I get started, I will warn you that this is not going to be a political blog on policies. While it is true that I can use my blog as many do to voice a political opinion, that would be unwise. We are all entitled to our opinions, I don’t want to offend anyone with differing views about our nation and its governing policies. Believe it or not, diversity reigns in this great land, and it is not only the beauty of our racial diversity that makes this nation great, but our idealistic democratic government. Don’t get hung up on words like democrat, republican, independent or constitutionalist. Although, this great country is actually defined as a constitutional federal republic not a democracy or anything else…. yet!

So what climate change am I referring to you may wonder? Well, if you live in South Florida, you probably enjoyed the first signs of the cooler weather here in town. I don’t know about you, but I always look forward to the cooler weather. I’m not a fan of the sun and heat. (Thank God for air conditioning.) Our cool weather lasts only for a few months and it is delightfully mild and sunny. Some days are even cool enough to bring out the sweaters and boots, and that makes me feel very happy. I miss the seasonal changes from New York where I grew up. I love the cold winter weather too. But I don’t love bundling up to go out and then taking it all off when you go into stores. You have to schlepp all that winter gear around with you because the heat is on in the mall. Then again, many people absolutely love warm climates and travel here for vacations to get out of the cold. Lately, there seems to be a tremendous influx of people moving to South Florida, but I have my doubts that the weather is actually the reason for it.

Youthful Skin

Whatever the case, climate change can take its toll on your hair and skin. Cold or hot dry climates leave your hair and skin lacking moisture. While the higher humidity here in South Florida from May to November leaves dry skin more moisturized, it can cause oily skin to break out, especially if oil based makeup is worn. I recommend a mineral powder makeup for oilier skin or for a less shiny look in humid climates. A favorite brand of mine is bareMinerals. As one gets older, hormones also change, estrogen gets depleted and skin naturally becomes drier. A good moisturizer is necessary prior to foundation. A few drops of Hyaluronic acid serum prior to your moisturizer will boost moisture and help your skin retain it. If you prefer a dewy look, use a creamy liquid foundation. Again, my preference is Bare Skin by bareMinerals. It gives sheer coverage with a youthful glow. But, if you need heavier coverage you can choose an oil-based foundation. There are some non oil-based foundations on the market for acne-prone skin. Climate changes often require changes in you skin care regime. Regardless of your skin type you should choose a moisturizer or a foundation with sunscreen. Even in colder climates the sun can cause damage to your skin on a daily basis.

Perfect Hair

Just when you get your hair to behave and you start handling that new hairstyle, climate change can mess it up. As my COVID creation from July 2020 grew out, I embraced the almost year-round humidity in South Florida. I had a nice wavy lob going on (lob is code for long bob and sounds more modern). The humidity kept my droopy waves resilient along with professional salon products that enhanced it.

But, in early August this year I traveled to New York where the weather was warm, wet and not so humid. One would think the misty rain would have been good for the waves and curls as they thrive with moisture, but this was not the case due to the lower humidity and wind. My beautiful lob was very difficult to manage, not to mention the frizz. Blow drying it straight was not an option because the dampness would bring out the not so wonderful frizz and would cause the ends to curl like a dated bob without my flat iron.

Trying to pack my hair supplies to style my hair based on the weather requires a hair bag that takes up half the space in my suitcase. These are the basic staples I use to achieve my versatile modern lob that wear both curly or straight.

  • Ionic blow dryer speeds up drying time; infuses moisture with negative ions
  • Large and medium round ionic brushes to smooth varied hair lengths
  • Long sectioning clips to divide hair for proper blow styling
  • Flat iron to reduce volume, control difficult curl or frizz
  • Smoothing serum (Paul Mitchell Super Skinny) for straightening and frizz control
  • Heat protection/Shine spray (Morrocan oil spray) to protect hair from flat iron
  • Light hair spray (Redken Fashion Works #12) humidity control and movable hold


  • Diffuser for the ionic dryer to dry curls in place
  • Curling iron to enhance curl pattern in straight areas
  • Curl cream (Kevin Murphy Motion Lotion) to define curls
  • Sea salt spray (Redken Beach Wave) to enhance curls during the drying process
  • Firm wet spray (Paul Mitchell’s Freeze and Shine) to hold curls


  • Small clips and/ or bobby pins for pin curls to keep curls in place while sleeping
  • Hairnet to keep pin curls from getting messed up by the pillow

Ugh! The dilemmas of climate change on one’s hair. Or maybe it’s just my OCD over living up to the  many compliments of having perfect hair. Some people think I just wake up that way. I’m not bragging or anything, just sharing the down side of making one’s hair an idol. After all, we each have our weaknesses.

Your Spiritual Climate

And that brings me to another type of climate change I want to mention… our spiritual climate. God is always changing us from glory to glory. It’s another way of saying we are being sanctified or being made more like Jesus, little by little. I stated that this was a process in my last blog.

“But to this day whenever Moses is read, a veil [of blindness] lies over their heart; but whenever a person turns [in repentance and faith] to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [emancipation from bondage, true freedom]. And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from [one degree of] glory to [even more] glory, which comes from the Lord, [who is] the Spirit.” –2 Corinthians 3:15-18 AMP

Our spiritual climate constantly changes. Just when things are good, we find our self in the middle of a new problem or circumstance. Then, in the middle of enduring that, we see the light and breathe a sigh of relief, offering thanks and praise to God for His faithfulness. But it won’t take long for a new dilemma to emerge.

Recently my fiery trial finally came to an end. I was in the middle of that one for a very long time. And now that my physical circumstances have changed, so has my spiritual climate. One would be tempted to think, it’s finally time to not have to pray continuously and finally take a break to just enjoy the new found peace. However, we must remain obedient to God and His Word. In fact, now I actually find it easier to pray continuously for my loved one. Since I have transitioned from having to witness the negative circumstances on a daily basis, I am not angry all the time. It is so much easier to pray when you’re not angry!

Just like the natural way our weather/climate changes, so does our spiritual climate. My Pastor, Victor Massey, calls it being “In Transition” and he says there are three phases. Every transition begins with an ending, every transition ends with a new beginning and every transition has a middle. It is during these spiritual climate changes we learn about God, ourselves and others.

The important things to remember during spiritual climate change is to let go and let God take you from glory to glory. Take hold of His Word, hang on to His promises and stand firm, knowing He is right there beside you, molding you into the new creation he has intended you to be for your best life ever, here in the land of the living and for all eternity.

The bottom line with climate change is this: we don’t have to fear or worry if we don’t align ourselves with the current political climate. We don’t have to fret over weather conditions, or having perfect hair and youthful skin. What’s truly important is our relationship with the Messiah. Through the reading of God’s Word we are being changed and infused with Godly wisdom and knowledge to endure all things and remain joyful in the process. It’s a gift, a free gift and it’s yours for the taking through Christ Jesus. May God bless you all as you transition in and out of the seasons of your life. God is in control and He will work it all out for your good and His glory.

“He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in its time. He has also planted eternity [a sense of divine purpose] in the human heart [a mysterious longing which nothing under the sun can satisfy, except God]—yet man cannot find out (comprehend, grasp) what God has done (His overall plan) from the beginning to the end.” –Ecclesiastes 3:11 AMP

“It is He who changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and [greater] knowledge to those who have understanding! It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, And the light dwells with Him.” –Daniel 2:21-22 AMP

Nancy Barbery

I am a long time hair stylist/fashionista who loves the Lord. My desire is to encourage you, help increase your faith and strengthen your soul. Together we can discover your strengths and create new goals and dream new dreams. Change is good! For more information, visit my about me page.