Fear is a normal, protective, emotional response to anything perceived as a threat. It first originates in the mind as a thought, before a response is generated. When fear is triggered, people often respond in one of three ways: fight,…
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In this season of turmoil with this pandemic and the riots, I have encountered many fearful people. Some tell me they believe in God and claim to have faith, yet they possess no expectant attitude, or confident belief that their…
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In my previous blog post, I talked about the nine necessary fruits of the Holy Spirit that prove we are true followers of Jesus Christ. When you live your life for Jesus, people are watching. Many are waiting for you…
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Fruit is one of the splendors of Gods creation that he gave us to enjoy. Naturally they have many health benefits and they’re beautifying too. I’ve been on the Keto diet, so I avoid many fruits due to it's high…
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In some of my previous posts, I spoke about the value of a smile and what is in our hearts shines through our eyes. However, our smile and our eyes makes up only part of our countenance. According to vocabulary.com,…
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You’ve heard it said that the eyes are the window to the soul. They can reveal ones thoughts, feelings and even desires. And in our new season of COVID19 mask requirements, the eyes are all we see, unless of course…
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Whether you’re interested in a new beauty regime or in developing faith that can move mountains it all starts with a good foundation. Being able to endure life’s trials and temptations requires a faith that is built on solid ground,…
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As a young girl I had always been drawn to beauty and fashion. Seventeen Magazine was my beauty Bible back in those days. I lived to pick my outfit for school each day, which involved schlepping up and down the…
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