In a conversation with my husband over world affairs, the gravity of the future becoming unrecognizable as society the way we know it has provoked some interesting thoughts. We look at the ugliness of the horrific events prophesied in end…
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The night before I wrote this blog, my sleep evaded me. I was annoyed by the sound of the voice on my sleep meditation app. As my husband lay in blissful sleep, I patiently waited for the meditation to end,…
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I n my previous blog, Rigid to Radical, my last word was: Looking back through the decades at hairstyles and color trends, I see a glimpse of the radicalism that is emerging in society today. This is the second part…
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As a hairdresser over forty years, I have seen hairstyles transition from rigid into “radical”! Looking back at the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, the hairstyles were neatly coiffed. Women came into the salon on a weekly basis to have their…
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This pandemic will not stop progress. We are forging ahead in spite of all the disruptions, thanks mostly to technology. I’m an old school girl, who has been technologically challenged for many years now, refusing to learn the new normals.…
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Mid March 2020 everything changed in the blink of an eye. Some saw the writing on the wall and rushed into the hair salon to get those roots done. (BTW, the politically correct term is actually called “regrowth”, as roots…
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Growing up, my mother would busy herself around the house singing the popular Doris Day song “Whatever will be will be”. If you know the song, sing along, otherwise you can google it. Here is one verse of the lyrics:…
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There is something special about a fabulous salon finished hairstyle that really enhances your appearance. But, have you ever been disappointed trying to duplicate the look yourself, only to find that it pales in comparison? This is a common narrative…
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The simple definition of a toxin is a poison that can make you sick. They can make you both physically and mentally ill. Toxic thoughts lead to negative emotions that can overwhelm you and affect your mind and body in…
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