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Small miracles happen all the time. We just have to focus our gaze on the Lord to see them and receive them. A good friend of mine calls these God Kisses. Whenever life gets her down, she is uplifted by little miracles like rainbows or even beams of light that appear to her in the form of a cross. She is reminded that God is with her. And sometimes those small miracles can be more tangible. (The picture below is from her balcony on Easter morning)

The God Kiss

This story of my latest God Kiss is about my relationship with the faithful woman who has been cleaning for me for over twenty-two years, her son an electrician and her on and off helper (for the sake of anonymity) Monique, David and Sienna.

Although I haven’t used their cleaning services for the past eight months due to budget constraints, I am very grateful to her for referring us to her son who is an electrician. Recently a problem arose with a transformer that lights up our built-in book shelf and cabinet.

My husband explained to Monique’s son David that the former electrician had left a small patch of wall open on the top ledge near the high ceilings for future access. A larger opening had to be cut in the wall to try and find the transformer. He could not locate it, but did find a six-foot level, accidentally left there by the carpenter who made the built-in. David suggested that perhaps the transformer was somewhere in the bottom of the cabinet, but my husband insisted it couldn’t be, because of the purpose for the hole by the ceiling. That’s when I decided to take out all of the books in the bottom cabinet and look for myself. Low and behold, after removing a stack of various Bibles, there was another hole cut out of the top of the cabinet where I finally found the transformer. To God be the glory! I should have known to look to His Word, regardless of the situation. What a God Kiss!

After fixing the problem, we allowed David to cut an even bigger hole in the wall to retrieve the level. Thank God I had a large planter up there to cover that large hole in the wall. I was grateful to have my shelves light up again and was hoping the cost would be affordable.

Earlier that morning I found some unexpected cash stashed in a small purse that I had. Another God Kiss and yes, the money was more than enough to cover the electrical cost. God is so good! We gave David the level as a tip and told him to send our love to his mom, Monique.

The Heartbreak

An hour later I received a call from her. She had a purpose for the call, but we got to chatting about her wonderful son. Then I heard a phone ring in the background. As Monique was listening to me, she told someone to answer the other phone. Then there was a gasp and silence. I heard Monique say “she’s dead?”, and I suddenly remembered that Sienna had been battling breast cancer. We wept together on the phone. Monique revealed her purpose for the call was to ask me to pray for Sienna because she was very sick in the hospital. I asked her if Sienna knew Jesus and she said “I don’t think so”. We wept some more. This was such a heartbreak in the middle of my small miracle. She was dying as God was sending kisses to me.

I thought I could have done more to share Jesus with this soul while I had the opportunity. But my words wouldn’t have had any power to save a soul unless the Father was drawing her to himself.

But it no longer mattered; she was gone. I reminded myself that no one knows the heart of a person but God, and perhaps she had accepted the opportunity of the gift of salvation from somewhere else. God makes himself known to everyone at one point or more in their life. Read more in the Bible app. The choice is ours to accept the gift or not. I wept most of that night for Sienna, holding on to hope that I might see her again in heaven. But the real heartache for me was the inconceivable thought that what if it had been one of my loved ones or close friends that didn’t know Jesus. The parable Jesus told about Lazarus and the rich man illustrates the torment of one who dies without accepting His free gift of salvation. Read about it in the Bible app. The time is short and no one knows the day or time we will breathe our last breath.

The Great Commission

There is much work to be done for the Kingdom of God!

“Then Jesus said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;” Matthew 9:37 ESV

As a believer in Jesus, we are called to share the good news of the gospel of salvation with the world. This is called the great commission.

You never know who you might reach, you never know who and when the Father is drawing someone to Jesus. We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus here on this earth. It is our actions that speak louder than words, but there will be a time when words are necessary. And Jesus says:

“…do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour.” Matthew 10:19 ESV

There are a lot of unsaved people in the world who need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to make a better effort moving forward to do my part in sharing the good news. I hope you do the same. If we all did what Jesus instructs us to do, there would be a greater hope for the salvation of the world, especially for our loved ones, whom “we” may not be able to reach. Jesus is the answer and our hope for the future!

Nancy Barbery

I am a long time hair stylist/fashionista who loves the Lord. My desire is to encourage you, help increase your faith and strengthen your soul. Together we can discover your strengths and create new goals and dream new dreams. Change is good! For more information, visit my about me page.