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As we emerge from the bleakness of winter, we embrace spring 2022, the second year of the Build Back Better plan. I won’t comment on that, but I couldn’t resist spinning that title to fit this blog. It’s all about a more beautiful you!

Bare Beauty

As the science behind the masks is revealed, several states have dropped their mask mandates. We Floridians are fortunate to be included in that decision. People seem to be emerging out of their cocoon, looking forward to being able to “springing” forth into brighter days.

Those masks have taken their toll on both our psyche and appearance. Sadly, I still see some people living in fear and isolation as if it is a new normal. Not sure which science to believe, so many err on the side of caution, continuing to don their masks. I once touted those masks as my favorite new fashion accessory, until the latest science revealed otherwise and I saw the toll it had taken on my skin and my countenance.

Are you remembering “My mother’s best beauty advice” and continuing to wear a smile under your mask? I know I have not, more times than I care to admit. The even deeper frown lines in my forehead and lines around my mouth are proof of that. In a previous blog titled “A new approach to wrinkles” I said that I had earned those lines and had grown in my faith due to the experiences. I must ponder what I have learned in these past two years.

I have also noticed my skin has become more dry with a tendency to break out from the mask. Glory to God that the mask mandates are gone! So now that I am baring a mask-less face (for the most part, pilates and doctor visits aside) I feel like myself again and can refocus on my appearance.

As far as “A Good Foundation” is concerned, due to my drier skin, I have switched from the Bare Skin mineral foundation to a tinted moisturizer. It does not dry into my fine lines and look dull. Bare Minerals makes a nice one but I have opted for Laura Mercier SPF 30 tinted moisturizer. Bare Minerals makes another product called Bare Skin Glow that comes in 3 shades. One small pump mixed with your foundation or tinted moisturizer gives a beautiful youthful glow to your skin. Be sure to cleanse your face well at night if using any reflective products like these so they don’t clog your pores. Here’s a tip on applying foundation or tinted moisturizer: Use a damp sponge to apply with a tapping and pressing technique, not by spreading and wiping. You will get better coverage. I also wash my sponge each night before going to bed so it’s clean and bacteria-free for the next day.

If you are back to wearing lipstick, but have to put on a mask, there are several brands of liquid lipstick that dry matte and do not rub off easily. My latest finds are Anastasia Liquid Lipstick and Nars Power-matte Lip Pigment. However they can feel drying to your lips. A thin layer of Vaseline or Aquaphor can be applied beforehand to help prevent the dryness. At night I apply a generous layer to my lips before going to bed. So far, so good!

Since I have been baring my made-up face again, not donning that mask, people have been telling me I look younger than ever. That’s a real self esteem boost! However it is also attributed to the fact that I have grown out my short hair “Covid Creation” and grown my hair below my chin. This really accentuates the blonde highlights around my face, and is more youthful than that severe short hairstyle. Naturally, there is the probability that after wearing a mask for two years, we may have forgotten what each of us looks like, so seeing one’s entire face all made up and pretty is a definite improvement.

As we are approaching the warmer weather and higher humidity, wavy or frizzier hair is a reality. For me, excessive blow drying and flat ironing the frizzy parts (right around my face) are taking their toll on my hair as well. It’s time again for a high-humidity hairstyle. It’s a pleasure to be able to put some curl enhancing product in your freshly washed hair and let it air dry for a modern casual look.

“Virtue” a U.S.-based hair-care company has come out with a new curl line that consists of shampoo, conditioner and curl butter. I love the results on my hair. Kevin Murphy from Australia has just released its new beach wave spray. This goes on naturally dried hair for beautiful beach waves. It enhances waves and refreshes day old flat hair. If you’re tired of your straight flat hair, wavy perms are making a comeback.

Virtue also makes one of the most popular lines of volume products. The Virtue Alpha Keratin Mask is a restorative treatment that rebuilds, strengthens and silkens. It also contains linseed oil that produces gorgeous shine.

Virtuous Beauty

Speaking of virtue, I don’t have to tell you that true beauty is not just skin deep. There is nothing more beautiful than a virtuous woman (or man). Virtue comes from the heart. We must include “A beauty regime for the heart” as well as for our outward beauty.

Jesus said it is not what goes into a person’s mouth that defiles them, but rather, the words that come out of their mouth. (Matthew 15:11)

Our heart reveals our character. We like to think we are basically good people. That’s what people always tell me when I ask them if they think they’ll go to heaven when they die. But Jesus said: “none are good only God”. That is why we need our Savior to reconcile us back to the Father. It is not popular to say this these days, but the truth is that Jesus is the only way to the Father. (John 14:6)

If you desire to be a person of Godly character, you need only to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and ask for forgiveness for missing the mark of God’s perfection, aka sin. God gives generously to all who ask.

His word says anyone who calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved. That Name is Jesus! And the most precious gift we receive from Jesus is His Holy Spirit. It resonates in our heart and mind, helping us take on the character of God. We become “fruitful” for the Kingdom of God. These characteristics are called the fruit of the Spirit. It is peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control. When you possess these, you will have a “Beautiful Countenance”.

Constantly renewing your mind in the power of the Word of God will help lead you to becoming fruitful. You will also gain wisdom, strength, courage and honor ( just to name a few more virtues) and your worth will be more precious than jewels. While outward beauty is nice, it is also in vain, for it is fleeting and can get expensive. Virtuous beauty is a free gift from God and springs life eternal.

If you can smile through adversity, trust God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, pray constantly with praise and thanksgiving, making your requests to God, you will gain the peace that surpasses all understanding through Christ Jesus. And that’s a beautiful thing! So there you have my advice on beauty inside and out… while time allows. You never know the day or hour when your time here is up. So, read the Bible, study the Word and let the Lord reign in your heart. Jesus loves you and so do I!

Nancy Barbery

I am a long time hair stylist/fashionista who loves the Lord. My desire is to encourage you, help increase your faith and strengthen your soul. Together we can discover your strengths and create new goals and dream new dreams. Change is good! For more information, visit my about me page.