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The fashionista in me is more than ready for spring. I love fashion and beauty, almost as much as God’s Word. For years I struggled not to let that become an idol, and now, I have this outlet to write about both and keep myself in check. Praise God for that, and for all of you, my readers.

This year I think that in waiting for this pandemic season to end, people have lost their zeal for fashion. I can understand that, due to slim pickings, last year’s styles, and closed fitting rooms. However, the vaccine has given many people the mental and emotional freedom to emerge from isolation. People are ready to shop, eat out and start to enjoy life again. Unfortunately, even with the vaccine, the CDC is still recommending wearing masks.

Try not to let you that discourage you. Enjoy the freedom and the time saved from not having to put on a full face of makeup. (Remember the advice from one of my earlier blogs called “The eyes Have It”). Do up your eyes! Try out new looks, maybe some false lashes to exaggerate them and to enhance your expression. Bat those lashes and practice a silent ohh-eeh smile under your mask.

Here’s your A! Accessorize

Buy some fashionable masks to match your favorite outfits. Maybe buy a new outfit and mask to match, or coordinate your eyeshadow with your mask just for fun. You will get noticed. Forget the lipstick, when you take off your mask in the restaurant to eat, the lipstick will be smeared in the mask, and what’s left of it will be eaten off with your meal. I do recommend invisible lip balm to keep those lips soft, supple and kissable for your nearest and dearest. In light of all of this, the mask can be the most “modish” accessory for spring.

I found some gorgeous silky colorful masks at Chicos. They sell them in variety sets of three for only $15, and they are super comfortable. Armbrust USA, out of Texas, makes fabulous American-made disposable masks that are available in a variety of solid colors. This is a good time to support America instead of China. The Armbrust USA masks are good quality, very comfortable, and don’t have that chemical smell that makes your face itch. Let’s keep a good attitude about wearing masks while we are waiting for things to go back to the way they used to be, because (as I wrote in my last blog), patience is a virtue that is more about attitude than waiting.

Why the continuation of masks even if you get the vaccine? Well, the vaccines are intended to minimize your chances of getting very sick with COVID-19. There is still much that is unknown about it stopping transmission. While I personally am against any mandate of mask-wearing, (except maybe for sick people) I can attest to the common sense of it. I’ve worked in the hair salon for over forty years. Every year colds and flus would circulate throughout the salon as people were rather lax when it came to the common cold. This year, probably due to the masks, no colds or flu went around. And no one got COVID from the salon, though we were unknowingly exposed around Christmas. By the way, the common cold is a corona virus; there are lots of different corona viruses out there. Covid-19 stands for “Corona Virus Disease 2019”.

However, when I did get COVID in February, it was from a close family member who had picked up a friend in the car without a mask, who later complained of a headache. Naturally, we don’t wear masks in our home, so once my family member tested positive for the virus, it became inevitable that we would all get it too. By the grace of God, we’ve gotten over it and now have a new appreciation for masks. Don’t hate the mask, use common sense and wear them for protection. Go buy some pretty, spring, colorful masks and make a fashion statement.

Now for B! – Beautify

Winter is over and, as we emerge from our cocoon, exfoliation should be at the top of the list. Staying inside with the a/c can dry out both your skin and your hair. We get dead cell build up, not only from being indoors, but also with all the hand washing we’ve been doing. Some of us who have been piling on the hair products to control our unruly, overgrown hair have buildup that can cause dull hair. Just like spring cleaning in our homes, we can prepare our face, hair and body for spring.

A good facial is a great way to beautify your face. Ask your esthetician for a gommage treatment (gentle exfoliation) or a dermabrasion for rougher dull skin. There are also over-the- counter scrubs, masks and peels you can use at home if you’re still not venturing out. Products that contain retinol and alpha-hydroxy-acid are a good place to start. I recently found a product called Amalactin cream for your body that gently exfoliates all over, including calloused feet and bumpy arm skin. It is available on Amazon. You will love the smooth silky appearance of your skin after exfoliation, and you will be ready for an even application of self-tanner to give you that healthy sun-kissed look.

For hair that has product build up, use a good clarifying shampoo and follow with conditioner. One of our tried-and-true clarifying shampoos is from Redken, called Hair Cleansing Creme. The newest one that we love in our salon is called ReNeu from Neuma. Clarifying your hair is also recommended before coloring your hair. A good protein and moisture treatment will balance your cleansed hair to evenly accept color. Redken has a new treatment system called “Acidic Bonding Concentrate” and it can be customized for your hair’s specific needs.

A manicure and pedicure is a basic staple for beautifying your hands and feet for spring. Spa pedicures will not only beautify your toenails and get them sandal-ready, but will exfoliate and moisturize the skin on your calves and feet as well. I recommend shaving those legs after the pedicure. Nail techs don’t care if you have hair on your legs. They know a pedicure after shaving makes your legs more prone to infection due to open pores and possible nicks.

And then… C! – Colorize

Spring is always reminiscent of cheerful colors, both soft and bright, whatever strikes your fancy. For your mani/pedi, pick a nail polish color that either complements or enhances the accent color from your spring wardrobe or mask collection. For example, I chose navy, and orange as my primary spring wardrobe accent colors. I also bought a beautiful purple, green and ivory floral blouse. A periwinkle blue looks very pretty with all of it. The lavender blue shade complements the orange, and enhances navy and purple. I wrote about color that complements and enhances skin tone in an earlier blog. In case you missed it, a complementary color is one that is opposite of the color you choose. A color that enhances would be in the same color family. The color wheel can help you choose your colors.

Besides masks and wardrobe options, hair color is a fabulous way to accentuate your most important accessory, your hair. We buy designer bags and shoes and sometimes spend a small fortune. But your hair is the one accessory you wear with everything. I recommend budgeting for professional hair color. Crummy-looking hair with nice shoes and purses reminds me of battered homes, with unkempt landscapes and an expensive car in the driveway. There is just something not right with that picture.

I never thought I would say this, but those fun, funky, direct dye colors are a neat way to add a pop of color to your fashion look for spring. (Very Modish!) I’m seeing many people with bold at-home fun color creations that are randomly placed, faded and not pretty. I suggest a few a well-placed “peak-a-boo” foils underneath the area you want to accentuate. The hair in that area will need to be properly decolorized and a little layering above it will really pop those fun colors. If your hair is more than 50% grey/white, you can subtly pop those colors without pre-lightening. It will be more temporary, not as bold and an exciting way to make a fashion statement. Gray hair is neutral and almost any bold color will work. My favorite is bright purple.

If you’re not that bold, beautiful highlights are another way to brighten your hair for spring. These can be gorgeous on any base color when done professionally. I like when blondes are brightened with light golden tones or softened with pretty pearl tones. Redheads look fabulous with lights a few shades lighter in the same color family. If your red hair is already a light red, consider low lights a few shades darker in the same color family. This is a great way to make the most out of faded reds where mid shaft and ends are faded out and look lighter than the regrowth (after a fresh touch up). For brunettes the options are varied depending on your personal taste. I still prefer staying within a few shades of the base color though, so it doesn’t look too high contrast. However if high contrast appeals to you, then go for it. Brown is a neutral color since it contains all three primary pigments in it. Highlight options in that color family are a matter of personal taste. Brunettes can look very pretty with lighter brown, reddish, and/or blonde highlights.

Finally, another fun way to colorize for spring is in your home with accent pillows and dish towels, oven mitts and tablecloths, or placemats. At one time I had pillows for every season stuffed under all the beds in my house until I realized how ridiculous that was. I’ve since graduated to buying pillow covers at a fraction of the cost, not to mention the space it saved. Nothing says spring clean like not having a bunch of things stuffed under the beds.

And last but not least, don’t forget to bring in fresh flowers. Spring and flowers are nearly synonymous in my book. To keep your flower arrangement around longer, try mixing in a few good quality artificial flowers into the fresh arrangement. When you start to remove the wilted ones, you’ll still have flowers on your table.

Thanks for reading my blog. May it encourage you, and may God bless you with a bright future and keep you safe. May the joy of the Lord be your strength, for He loves you with an everlasting love and He is faithful! I’ll be back soon with more about faith.

Nancy Barbery

I am a long time hair stylist/fashionista who loves the Lord. My desire is to encourage you, help increase your faith and strengthen your soul. Together we can discover your strengths and create new goals and dream new dreams. Change is good! For more information, visit my about me page.


  • Irene says:

    Thanks Nancy. You always provide excellent information on the specific title of your blog. Loved the Faith that Moves Mountains and this one was super fun.

  • Mim Harrison says:

    What a delightful blog! Just what we all needed now. And thanks for so generously sharing so many pro tips.

    My favorite line: “your hair is the one accessory you wear with everything.” How true! BTW, I looooooove my haircut–thank you!


  • Donna says:

    Great beauty blog for Spring, Nancy! I always learn new things from you❣️