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I had not planned to write another blog until after the new year. However, many people that I have encountered lately are very bummed out and not interested in celebrating Christmas, yet in a way it is understandable. This holiday season is one of unprecedented political unrest and great concern over the increased number in cases of the new Coronavirus. So much so, that it has put a damper on the joy of the season and holiday traditions for many. There is much fear about what will actually happen on Inauguration Day, January 20, this coming year, as we sense the division in our country growing stronger. Will there be more riots and violence, as one side or the other reacts in protest? In spite of this, we must not be fearful and remember that fear is the opposite of faith. God encourages us in many places in His Word to be strong and of good courage, our God goes before us always, and He is for us!

In Jonathan Chan’s book of mysteries, he writes about the mystery of “The Other Elohim”, (day 107). Elohim is one of the many Hebrew names of God. This one means God the Creator.  Although the word is plural, it refers to the one true God, singular; it also describes the Trinity of the Godhead, making sense out of its plurality.

During the time of Moses, Israel rebelled against their God, Elohim and worshiped a golden calf at Mount Sinai by proclaiming it as elohim. (The latter is spelled with the small letter “e” to differentiate between the one true God Elohim spelled with a capital “E”).  The plural word in the other elohim accurately depicts the many gods of the world that fight for sovereignty in the lives of mankind, in direct opposition to the one true God, Elohim. Today, the other “elohim” may not be found in the form of a golden calf, but is found in the gods of money and pleasure, the gods of success, possessions, comfort, vanity and self etc… Jonathan eloquently writes that: “There is no end to the elohim. When a civilization turns away from the Elohim of God and serves the elohim of the gods of the world, it ultimately loses its unity. It becomes as divided, fractured, and scattered as the elohim themselves. That which worships the elohim ends up devaluing, degrading, and debasing itself, just as in the day of the golden calf.”

I found this to be very profound in light of today’s division in our country and the political divide because we have removed God from government, schools, public places, etc… and replaced it with other things, other gods called idols. Anything you love more than God is an idol. And just like Jonathan wrote, it has created division, not only infecting our society as a whole, but it goes deep into the fabric of our nation, infecting friendships, families and even churches. To top things off, all of this is happening during this time of pandemic and seems to exacerbate a negative situation, making it worse.

But God in His amazing mercy and Grace surely does work all things out for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

It is the desire of the enemy of God and our soul, Satan to desperately try to destroy God’s plan by seeking someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) What better way for him to do so then by tempting them with the many gods of pleasure, (elohim), so their hearts would be far from the one true God, Elohim. The devil masterfully creates discord, disunity and division among mankind, especially in those who are called according to God’s purpose. However, in the midst of this pandemic, (which is another attack of the enemy toward man, as this virus was caused by the sinfulness of wicked people in this world), God is working good out of it.

Christmas is the time of joy with family and friends gathering and celebrating. But, this Christmas it all seems so austere, almost bleak. Let us not lose heart and recall that one of the greatest gifts God gave to the world was born in austerity. That night in Bethlehem when the Savior of the world was born, there was no room in the inn. He was born in a stable and lay in a manger. That very first Christmas was also austere. Maybe we need to be reminded of that!

Monday night, December 20, 2020 was also the night the Bethlehem star shone the brightest in nearly eight hundred years. I’m sure there is no coincidence in that astrological phenomena taking place in this season of darkness. For it is only in the darkness that we can truly perceive the light. Even through we don’t see the brightness of that star every night, it is still there waiting to be welcomed into your heart. “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)

Don’t take it upon yourselves to brighten your darkness with “elohim” because it will not last. Eventually, that darkness will overwhelm you until you welcome Jesus, the true light of the world into your heart. If you have never done this, you can ask right now by saying “Lord, Jesus thank you for coming into the world and sacrificing yourself for my sin, (my elohim), so that I can be in right standing with Father God, Elohim. I turn away from my old ways now by the grace of Your Holy Spirit and am  joyful that you overcame death and the grave, so I may do likewise. Thank you for my new life in You Jesus, Amen.”

Now, to all of my friends who may feel the loneliness and austerity of this Christmas season because you’re not gathering with family and friends, I want you to pause and think about the following scenario. Imagine family and friends with contrary political views sitting around their tables merrily celebrating the season, in “high spirits”, drinking and talking politics. Can you envision the arguments, the discord and the division that the enemy would love to sow, further destroying the fabric of our nation? But God, had a plan to bring His light into this dark world this Christmas and protect our families and friends from further division. While God is not responsible for the COVID-19 virus, He is working things out for good by using it to protect relationships between family and friends over this political divide.

So, rejoice this Christmas as you isolate in your homes. Enjoy the use of technology as you Zoom or FaceTime your loved ones to stay connected. I hope the words that you share with family and friends are meaningful. Do not give any thought to what may seem to be going on in the world and in our country. And for those of you who will be celebrating in person with family and friends, be careful of the temptation of the little gods all around you. They will only lead to disunity and glorify Satan, the enemy of your soul. Therefore, don’t drink too much and remember to take all your thoughts captive to the obedience of Jesus before they become words in your mouth. (2 Corinthians 10:5) Let us not forget that Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers! (Matthew 5:9)  Be a peacemaker in your circle of family and friends and you will be truly blessed and a blessing to others.

As far as our political divide, we do not have to fear because God is sovereign, although, He does command us to pray for rulers and kings. So, do your part and pray for our nation. Then, no matter what happens on Inauguration Day, remember that God is still on the throne. He is still for his people and He will work all things out for good for those of us who love Him and are called according to his purpose. The bottom line is this, Christmas doesn’t have to be a bummer, instead, you can be an overcomer!  May the peace of Jesus be with you all and again, I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Nancy Barbery

I am a long time hair stylist/fashionista who loves the Lord. My desire is to encourage you, help increase your faith and strengthen your soul. Together we can discover your strengths and create new goals and dream new dreams. Change is good! For more information, visit my about me page.