There is something special about a fabulous salon finished hairstyle that really enhances your appearance. But, have you ever been disappointed trying to duplicate the look yourself, only to find that it pales in comparison? This is a common narrative I have heard from my clients over the years. Naturally, they don’t possess the same skills, because I’m the hairdresser. However, since I am a teacher at heart, I have made it my primary goal with each client to educate them to recreate their look at home. After all, it will bring me more referrals if they look professionally finished all the time, not just when they leave the salon. So, it is important to find a hairdresser that will take the time to show you how to maintain your look.
Styling Aids
Many times the most important tools in recreating salon finished styles are the styling aids. I’m talking about volumizers, texturizers, smoothing cremes and serums, lotions, gels, waxes, pomades, hair spray, shine sprays and serums, and more… The list is enormous and exhausting to explain. Volumizers are available in foam, spray, lotion, or powder form. Texturizers can be found in waxes, pomades, sprays and powders. Smoothing products are usually accessible in creams or serums.
It seems every week a sales representative comes into the salon offering the hottest new hair product. Some are fabulous and some are just marketing hype and packaging. And then there are the tried and true that have been around for decades. Hairdressers each have their opinion about what they prefer. Hair styling products can be as subjective as art or color. Everyone sees it differently. So, for that reason I will not give you a list of preferences, but rather, a simple chart explaining the most popular class of products, the type of hair it works best on, its advantages and disadvantages. Your hairdresser should explain the proper usage amount and application technique, as it varies depending on the texture and density of your hair.
The rest is up to you and your stylist. Ask them to show you how to recreate the look. Some of my clients book a wash and style appointment, where I spend time teaching them how to do it themselves. I actually put the tools in their hands, showing them what do do. Naturally, this takes more time than a regular cut and blow dry; so you’ll need to schedule the lesson, if your hairdresser is up to the task.
- Best On: fine, medium, flat, or hard to hold hair
- Advantages: provides volume and hold – easy to distribute through the hair
- Disadvantages: some can be heavy or sticky, weighing down fine hair.
Root Lift Spray
- Best On: flat hair, all types
- Advantages: lift at root area
- Disadvantages: none
Salt Spray
- Best On: curly or wavy hair
- Advantages: creates volume
- Disadvantages: dries stiff without heat
Texture Spray
- Best On: all hair types
- Advantages: movement, separation, volume, light hold
- Disadvantages: use sparingly, easy to over do
Root Lift/Texture Powder
- Best On: all hair types
- Advantages: volume, lift at the root, separation, mat finish
- Disadvantages: leaves hair feeling dirty
- Best On: all hair types
- Advantages: volume, hold, texture, separation, mat finish
- Disadvantages: harder to wash out
- Best On: dense, coarse, dry or brittle hair, soft slick styles
- Advantages: texture, separation and shine
- Disadvantages: oil based, clogs pores; avoid with acne skin, harder to wash out
Volume Lotion
- Best On: all hair types
- Advantages: volume and hold, easy to distribute
- Disadvantages: alcohol-free lotions take longer drying time
- Best On: fine or hard to hold hair, stiff wet looks
- Advantages: provides control and hold
- Disadvantages: requires effort for even distribution, must work quickly to avoid re-dampening the hair during the blow dry process
Hair Spray
- Best On: all hair types, dry finished styles
- Advantages: provides volume, hold and control, available in varied strengths
- Disadvantages: Inhibits movement on modern looks
Curl Cream
- Best On: curly or wavy hair
- Advantages: enhances soft shine and curl control, eliminates frizz
- Disadvantages: can be heavy in fine hair, use sparingly and avoid root area
Smoothing Serum or Cream
- Best On: dense, coarse, dry curly or frizzy hair
- Advantages: reduces volume and drying time, creates shine, allows movement
- Disadvantages: can be heavy on fine hair, use sparingly and avoid root area
Shine Sprays Serums or Oils
- Best On: all hair types
- Advantages: produces shine, allows for movement
- Disadvantages: too much can make hair look oily, use sparingly
Many of the products I have described can be mixed together to create a customized, multi functional hair cocktail for your hair’s specific needs. They can also be layered in the hair. For example, someone who has straight, flat, fine hair may use root lifter at the root area and add a light foam mousse or volume lotion in the ends of the hair to avoid the scalp from looking dirty. Then, they may finish their style with hairspray for hold, thus layering three different products into their hair. A person with frizzy, curly hair can create a custom cocktail for optimal curl resilience, definition and shine by mixing a little bit of curl cream and smoothing serum together, then distributing it throughout the hair. The combinations are endless and your hairdresser should be able to advise you. Finally, here is a quick tip on how to approach those products that are harder to shampoo out of the hair: Because of the principal that oil lifts oil, wet your hair and apply an inexpensive conditioner. Work it through your hair, then give a quick rinse. Follow with your regular shampoo and conditioner. This will avoid over washing and drying out your locks. And if you happen to have dry, frizzy or curly hair, this technique is a must do! I promise your curls will never look better. If you would like a free personal consultation as to what may be best for your hair, please email me on my contact page.
Tools for understanding the Word of God
It is great to look good and feel good about yourself with a beautifully finished hairstyle that you were able to do without a trip to the hair salon. But it is even better to enhance your total self image, looking and feeling good about yourself because you are a beautiful person inside and out. To be the best you can be and live your best life ever, try living according to God’s plan for you. You can find out how to do this by reading the Bible, the Word of God!
Throughout the centuries, many have claimed the Bible to be the #1 user manual for your best life ever. It is a historical fact that it has survived for thousands of years, through numerous attempts at destruction. Its text is an accurate representation of the original, thanks to the science of textural criticism. Jesus Christ and His word are the same yesterday, today and forever. According to the gospel of John, Jesus and the Word of God are synonymous, as he describes Jesus in this way:
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him not any thing was made, that was made. In Him was life and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:1-5 ESV
I will not debate the validity of God’s word; you either believe it, or you don’t! My life is a living testimony to the power and truth of the Bible, since accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior over 40 years ago. God’s promises are true and He is faithful to those who believe! However, I can understand how the Holy Bible can be difficult for some to comprehend. God has placed a veil over the eyes of mankind that they may be in the dark as to the truth of his Word, until they enter into a saving relationship with Jesus. Through a personal relationship with Jesus, the veil is lifted. You are given the gift of the Holy Spirit, who takes up residence within your spirit. Then, you will have eyes to see and ears to hear God’s word in a whole new light.
“All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV
There are numerous tools available today to study God’s word and enhance your understanding, without having to be a Bible scholar. There are over 2,000 different translations of the Bible, and they are translated into over 1,400 languages. These numbers are continuing to increase in order to reach the whole world with the good news of Jesus before His second coming. These different textual translations communicate the same clear message. Therefore, switching translations is one way to get a better understanding of the Bible. Compare the KJV (King James version), which is written in old english, to the ESV (English standard version) or the NLT, (New Living Translation) and you will realize what I mean. You may have noticed that many of the scriptures I quote in this blog have different translations. They are identified by the letters at the end of the verse. I use various translations because I like to find the one that I think best compliments my thoughts at the time.
Another helpful aid is a free virtual Bible app. My favorite is You Version. I love it because I have access to God’s word with me all the time on my phone, iPad, or computer. It has multiple translations available in it’s menu; so If you have difficulty understanding, it is simple to switch to find an easier read. It has a function that allows you to either read the word or listen to it. This is an excellent option because we know that faith comes by HEARING God’s word. My husband and I use the Bible app in our devotion time together, first thing every morning. We take turns making the coffee for each other and bring it back to our bed, where we sit together and listen to the word being read to us through the app. It inspires conversation about what the Lord might be saying to us, based on what we are reading each day and takes us into a deeper understanding of His word. We use a one year Bible reading plan, which is downloadable, and we change the translation every year. We have been reading the entire Bible together every year for over ten years.
Some people prefer to use the Bible to explore specific life topics, rather than just reading it in general. Some study Bibles are set up with this information at the side or bottom of the page, highlighting the topics that are referenced. But even better than this is You Versions availability of Bible reading plans. The app offers a wide variety of topics set up in a daily reading plan. These plans keep you focused on a particular topic as well as, connects the theme across the Bible.
A study Bible is an excellent choice to have on hand. There are many different ones available with commentary on the verses that explain everything from historical information to life application. An inductive Bible is one type that gets really deep into the word, using inductive reasoning. It answers three basic questions: observation (what does it say?), interpretation (what does it mean?), and application (what does it mean for my life?). A concordance allows you to look up specific words, showing related bible references. Some study Bibles have small concordances located in the back of the book along with maps and other interesting information.
The Abide app offers meditations and prayer based on God’s word, narrated by various people. The meditations can last any where from two to ninety minutes, depending on whether it is a day or sleep meditation. The premium app offers a choice of visuals, background music or nature sounds and more. I’ve been giving you a two minute sample of this app each week at the end of my blog. My husband and I use the sleep meditation after watching television at night, so our thoughts are not influenced by those worldly shows we may have watched. Rather, we fall asleep with our thoughts on God. By the way, the app turns itself off, so no need to be concerned about that.
Finally, The Bible Project is another fabulous tool for grasping the concept of each book in the Bible before you delve in. It is a compilation of animated sketches, narrated by its founders, explaining how the Bible is one epic narrative from Genesis to Revelation, (the beginning to the end of the Bible). Please watch video below or check out
These are not a complete list, but are a great place to start. However, wisdom and understanding are gifts from God that come through the power of the Holy Spirit. I can’t say enough about the power of the Word in helping you attain the abundant life Jesus offers. The Bible is so comprehensive, that every time you read it, you will get something different out of it. It is really quite amazing!
I hope my blog is helpful to your spiritual growth and beauty interests. Thank you for taking the time to read it. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. I welcome the interaction! Coming soon: The power of prayer that changes destiny, and hair color that changes self image.
Thank you, Nancy! Enjoyed the way you tied together the tools for enhancement for both our personal care and our spiritual care. I checked out The Bible Project and really like it