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In my previous blog post, I talked about the nine necessary fruits of the Holy Spirit that prove we are true followers of Jesus Christ. When you live your life for Jesus, people are watching. Many are waiting for you to be a poor witness so they can scream hypocrisy. And others are  watching how you handle life‘s trials and difficult circumstances. These are the ones who are being drawn to the Father by your testimony. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you’re going to have an easy life; you will have the same amount of difficulties as anyone else maybe even a little more but with greater power to be an “overcomer”. I also talked about nine healthy fruits for good skin and the benefits they have in reducing lines and wrinkles.

Every wrinkle has a story

Now I don’t want you to think that I am overly obsessive about skin care constantly focusing on looking young, because sometimes wrinkles are okay. You don’t always have to look perfect. Wrinkles reflect who we are. Every wrinkle has a story and some of them you may not wish to erase because of the memories that are dear and the change that has resulted from them. The outcome impacts our character and who we have become. It is what makes us different and it comes together to make us whole and perfect in God’s Eyes. After all, He created each of us with all of our flaws for a purpose, His  purpose!

My first wrinkle came in my early teen years when my mother made me aware of my frown lines. While there have been times I’ve contemplated Botox to smooth those lines, I can honestly say why? Those lines are me. The lines in my brows inspired my first blog post. They will forever remind me of my beautiful mother and her words of wisdom. I wouldn’t trade them for a smooth forehead. Lately the lines around my mouth have become an issue for me. I keep thinking to myself: should I get Restylane and smooth them out to look younger? But then I am reminded of the last five years of struggle I have endured that has resulted in a lot of sorrowful and angry moments, neither of which has led to a prettier face. However, through those struggles, I have grown and produced more fruit than in the previous 60 years of my existence. Trusting God through the hard times has made my faith stronger and become my testimony for the Lord. Again, my heart is forever changed for the better and my inner beauty has overcompensated for those few wrinkles, frown lines and smile lines. And that is a good thing! Those smile lines remind me of the good times in my life, so why would I trade that for a façade of someone else, someone I would be pretending to be? I like who I have become!  Therefore, wrinkles are not such a terrible thing, and they’re certainly not worth worrying about because that will only give you more. After all, its one thing to accept who you have become and quite another to unnecessarily sabotage your God given beautiful face.

Joy in troubled times

“Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows it’s true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well developed, not deficient in any way.” James 1:2-4 MSG

Well, that’s not so easy to do when you’re in the thick of it with problems. That’s when I pause to consider the rewards in heaven that I am storing up, (Matthew 5:11-12) and then I look in the mirror at reality and say to myself: yeah I’m proud of “those” wrinkles. Do I really want anymore?… So I smile and say ohh-eeh! However, if I’m honest, sometimes my ohh-eeh (smiling face) turns into oh-gee (sad face). Often times, when my circumstances become so  overwhelming, the state of my countenance pales in comparison. And then my praise to God is interrupted by focusing on those circumstances. It’s like a broken hallelujah and can be just as emotionally moving as the popular Hallelujah song that bears those lyrics. But with God, all things are possible and your praise can be restored, reviving peace and joy in the midst of sorrow.

All things are possible with God

God’s word tells us that we are seated in heavenly places with Jesus Christ. Not we “will” be seated but we “are” seated with Christ here and now in the present! Before you think I’m a nut case, let me explain: Our bodies are here in this reality, but  our spirit  becomes united with Christ when we receive His Holy Spirit. Since heaven is a spiritual place and the Lord is Spirit, our spirits are seated in heavenly places with Jesus Christ. We exist in both realms. However, there are different parts of the spiritual realms. Scripture tells us that our battles here on earth are not against flesh and blood but rather against the powers and principalities and dark forces in the world. We are fighting a spiritual battle and Jesus promised we can be over-comers because he overcame and he said we will do even greater things. We are told to put on our spiritual armor to fight a spiritual battle. Ephesians chapter 6 instructs us on how to fight the battle against the enemy of our soul, and extinguish the lies of the devil, the lies we sometimes believe when we forget to whom we belong.

“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.” 1 John 4:4 NLT

So it is key that you realize which realm your spirit and your mind are dwelling in. I guarantee that when you let what is bothering you affect your countenance, you are dwelling in the worldly realm of darkness. You must keep your eyes on Jesus, the light of the world and not your circumstances, no matter what is happening right before your eyes. Remember if you are abiding in Christ you can ask the Father whatever you want and trust that he not only hears you, but will answer in His time. God cannot lie! You can count it all joy when you look to heaven with the eyes of your heart, meditate on the Fathers’s great love for you and picture your spirit sitting there with Jesus before the throne. You will be filled with the joy of the Lord and then your “oh-gee” can become “ohh-eeh” again and you will be able to smile. Remember no one can steal that joy unless you let them! Please check out the two minute abide mediation below on fighting our spiritual battles.

Natural approach to wrinkle prevention

There are several different reasons we get wrinkles, some of which I have already blogged about. The chart below outlines some natural remedies to preventing wrinkles.



Sunscreen Blocks the absorption of UV radiation which not only cause wrinkles, but sunburns and skin cancer as well.
Limit Sugar Causes AGEs (Advanced Glycation End- Products), which break down collagen, causing skin to loose it’s elasticity.
Don’t Smoke Causes premature aging and is overall bad for your health.
Use Coconut Oil Helps skin retain moisture which makes your face look fuller. It is great for dry skin.
Boost your beta carotene Excellent antioxidant! Great source of vitamin A, found in certain fruits and vegetable and available in supplement form.
Lemon Balm Leaf Tea A recent study concludes lemon balm extract helps improve the skin’s elasticity and corrects tissue damage.
Change your sleep position Sleeping in the same position compresses skin over time, weakening it in some places over others. Eventually a wrinkle forms.
Wash your face routinely Never go to bed with make up on! Many cosmetics contain harsh chemicals that absorb into the skin if left on too long, causing oxidative stress.
The information above was gathered from an article in Healthline. Read the full article here.

For further information on some of the foundations for my belief in the power of new beginnings through a personal relationship with Jesus, please let me know so I may encourage you further in your walk with the Lord. Also If you desire information on a personal physical makeover you can email me.

Nancy Barbery

I am a long time hair stylist/fashionista who loves the Lord. My desire is to encourage you, help increase your faith and strengthen your soul. Together we can discover your strengths and create new goals and dream new dreams. Change is good! For more information, visit my about me page.